Recipe Calculator
"Recipe Calculator" is a simple to use Recipe portion converter.
Simply tap on one of the fields to enter data. Tap on the New Amount field to calculate the new amount.
When you tap on a field for data entry, the Title of that field will turn green.
"Original Serving Size"
This is the number of servings that the recipe is designed for.
"Desired Serving Size"
This is the desired number you want to serve.
"New Amount"
This is the amount of the recipe ingredient. Such as: 1 1/2 cups would be 1 1/2. When you change any of the other inputs, this button changes to "Calc".
This buttons toggles the fraction buttons to display eighths. The last button enters "/16" when pressed. To enter 3/16, simply enter 3 and the "/16" button.
"Recipe Calculator" calculates answers to the nearest fraction found on it's standard fraction buttons (1/4-3/4). It can calulate to 1/8 or 1/16 if you enter a value with 1/8,3/8,1/16 etc in the amount field.
"Recipe Calculator" will place the minus ( "-" ) symbol next to an answer if the answer is 10 percent less then the nearest fraction. This means that the answer is slightly less then the displayed answer.
"Recipe Calculator" will place the plus "+" symbol next to an answer if the answer is 10 percent more then the nearest fraction. This means the the answer is slightly more then the displayed answer.